Susan MacDonald
The importance of a high-quality early education has never been clearer. In laying the groundwork for children’s future we need to be intentional, we need to act purposefully, and we need to have a vision and goals.
As educators and those who support them, we owe it to ourselves to create a growth culture that acknowledges and nurtures the possibilities that lie within each teacher, child, and parent. It all starts with progressive change, and Susan—Keynote Speaker, Author & Coach—has the blueprint to get you there.
A leading voice in Early Childhood Education, Susan leverages her unique educational and professional background to shape transformative change in early childhood education. Susan sows the seeds of professional growth in ways that inspire individuals to create new visions for their work and achieve their goals with a positive, strengths-based mindset.
Susan’s keynotes meld an engaging style with the credibility of current research and a storyteller’s gift to offer personable insight to guide her audiences on a realistic path to reenergize the quality of their early childhood programs. Her books, filled with accessible tools and practical strategies, provide a framework for positive and sustainable professional growth.
"Thank you Susan ! For having given us a space to learn and grow as we continue our search to become better in our field, and specifically to become better human beings!"
- Martha Rockaway

"I loved that it lit a fire in me again. I love being inspired and working towards goals; not just focused on the day to day items."
- Angela Wheeler

"You will be inspired by people from all over the country who are in the same learning lane as you. Susan is an extremely thoughtful presenter who has been doing this work many years and has a way to make you think about your own growth in a way that is immediately applicable to your work."
- Heida Sigurdardottir
Early Childhood Professional Development
Supercharge Your Professional Learning Experiences!
Inspiring Professional Growth, An Eight Month Leadership Series
Becoming a member of this eight-month learning community will inspire you to rethink and refocus your work to re-energize and strengthen your learning community.
Designing and Facilitating Innovative Professional Learning Experiences
This four-part interactive workshop series will guide you in creating a professional learning experience that showcases a specific area of interest or expertise you would like to present to early childhood professionals.

Developing Strengths-Based Communication Skills
In this insightful four-part workshop, you will learn to engage educators in impactful dialogues and foster sustainable improvements in program quality.
Susan’s Books

Supercharge Professional Development for Early Childhood Educators
Bring new energy into your early childhood professional learning experiences! Supercharge Professional Development for Early Childhood Educators empowers trainers, workshop facilitators, and early childhood program leaders to transform their current professional development practices, offering innovative and concrete ideas for supporting educators.

Inspiring Professional Growth
Inspiring Professional Growth, the follow-up to Inspiring Early Childhood Leadership, addresses the need for offering nurturing and empowering professional development.

Inspiring Early Leadership Role
Inspiring Early Childhood Leadership lays out strategies designed to support program leaders in finding new ways to reduce stress levels on themselves and their staff and move into a unified, engaging system for leading with passion, intention, and purpose.
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